Saturday 10th April, I went to another meet-up with my friends. Well, maybe I can't call it a lolita meet-up since it's informal, it's more like a casual outing with friends ! Since Sam couldn't attend to the Baby the Stars Shine Bright's Tea Party (she's the real working girl among us), we decided to lunch together, then go to Ladurée for tea-time and spend all day together : it was our little tea party just for her ♥ This Saturday's theme was "blue".
We went to the Bonaparte Ladurée, this one is on the south side of Paris. I think it really is my favorite one : it's not as crowded as the Champs-Elysées Ladurée and, in my opinion, the atmosphere and decorations are way better than in the Royale Ladurée. There is one room on the ground floor, with an asian colonialism atmosphere and second one, upstairs, with a blue theme — what a great coincidence the waiter made us seat in this one !
After our little tea-time (well, a tealess tea-time for me), we walked around Paris, enjoying the oh-dear-so-great-weather ! We were lucky, I can't say we're currently having a nice spring in Paris, but the saturday was really sunny. An ideal weather in order to take some photographs around one of the many parisian bridges and also around the Louvre.
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Sam is wearing : Dress : BtssB — Headbow : AatP — Shoes : Nacre Poudré |
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Ludovic is wearing : Coat : Black Peace Now — Blouse : Theatr'hall Vest & Pants & Shoes : Vintage and offbrand |
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Marie is wearing : Hat : Foxcherry — Dress : Moi-Même-Moitié — Shoes : An*tai*na shoes |
They are so elegant, aren't they ? I really loved this theme ! We all wore different styles with the same main colour (well... none of us actually had the same blue shade). The Louvre was a really beautiful place to take pictures, the luminosity was soft and perfect. Samantha had already done some pictures at the same place for her own blog, so she thought it would be a great idea to do the same with us — and she was right.
I am wearing : Dress : Angelic Pretty — Blouse : BtssB — Shoes : Monoprix Bag : New Yorker — Hair accessories : H&M — Thigh highs : offbrand |
The Sheep Garden Tiered JSK is the only blue dress I had. I was thinking to sell it, but finally... wearing it made me remember how much I love this dress. Plus, it's super cute for spring and summer ! I can't coordinate this dress with too much accessories and details, it's so soft and cute, I love matching it with natural colours for a sweet look.
This was again an amazing afternoon, we had so much fun. At the end of the day, my feet hurt as hell — I still love those shoes, they don't hurt me enough to not to wear them anymore — but my stomach was full with pastries and sweets, so I guess I could handle that. I really enjoyed that Saturday, I wish I could do that more often ! Unhappily, Samantha had to get home earlier than us and after some sweet goodbyes we finally decided to end the night at Kawaii Cafe.
During the evening, a televsion crew from NHK World went to shoot at Kawaii Cafe, that was quite a surprise since we didn't know about it, but a really funny surprise. They filmed the bar and the customers, and we also got caught up : that was a very entertaining evening. I'll try to know what is the name of the TV program that they recorded and watch it on NHK World channel when it will be on air.
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They asked us to write down a word that could describe Paris. I don't exactly remember what Marie and Ludo wrote. Maybe something about love or fashion ? |
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Since I was working at Kawaii cafe as a maid during some months I finally chose to do a "Oishiku nare ♥ Moe Moe Kyun !". I can't get enough of doing it, haha. |
That's it for today ! See you soon my lovely readers
Itterashaimase ojousama (≧▽≦) (since I don't think there is a lot of boys reading my blog)
If you want to see more about this day you can go read Sam's blog, Marie's blog
and watch Sam's photographs too !
All pictures belong to Marie Tuonetar : thanks to her for letting me using them
J'ai l'impression que ça fait déjà une éternité ce meeting, vous me manquez mes petits abricots d'amour ;__; Je veux vous revoir!
ReplyDeleteMoi aussi ! Ca me paraissait tellement lointain T.T (et finalement ca ne faisait que 2 semaines...) j'espère qu'on va te revoir bientôt ma belle é__è
DeleteYou guys... Are so awesome!!!!! Always so well dressed and going to amazing places, taking beautiful pics!! Can't wait to go to paris again.
ReplyDeleteLol the nhk part was so random haha
Aww thank you Ana ! We, finally, always go to the same places, haha. If you come to Paris soon we can meet and we will bring you to parisian amazing places <3
Deleteyou look gorgeous, all of you, love the outfits !
ReplyDeleteThank you a lot !
DeleteHello! .。.:*☆
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment and for following my blog (´▽`)
I'm also following yours. I think your blog is very interesting ★
Your outfit is great, too ♪
Ooh! Maybe you'll appear on NHK (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) So cool!
You're welcome, your blog is so cute and I love seeing your outfits (^-^)
DeleteThank you for the compliments, I'm glad you love my coordination >///<
I will keep on eye on the NHK world program, maybe I will finally know what was that TV program they shooted for, haha !
Wow! That sounds like such an amazing day, and everyone looks fantastic! I want to visit these cafes too some day.
ReplyDeleteAlso, hello from a fellow maid Lolita! I work at Hawaii's Yu x Me maid cafe! (^o^)/ It made me really happy to hear/read the "Oishiku bare~ moe moe kyun!"
Thank you very much ! If you ever come to Paris, you should tell me ! I will try to bring you to all those amazing places~ And I would gladly meet you (^-^)
DeleteAnd aaaw. That's so so nice to meet another maid lolita ! I didn't know there is a maid cafe in Hawaii, does it work nice ? I would love to visit it~
I love lolita but I can't help to be attracted to the maid side of the force, haha (^o^)/
You all look amazing.. such lovely outfits!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much ! I'm glad you like it, and I'm sure my friends also are (^-^)
DeleteJ'adorerais voir des lolitas aussi élégants et raffinés un jour !
ReplyDeleteOh ! Ces compliments me font plaisir ! aux autres aussi également j'en suis sûre~ Surtout venant d'une fille aussi adorable que toi °° (La première fois que je suis allée sur ton blog, j'ai parcouru les posts pendant des heures et des heures ! haha~
Deletehm, dis moi, une petite question curieuse (peut être y as tu répondu auparavant, mais j'ai pas vu.): Pourquoi Mila de Blois? tu es originaire de Blois? (désolée ça me turlupine tellement, je te vois tout le temps passer sur fb et je tique à chaques fois...)
ReplyDeleteEffectivement je n'y avais jamais répondu auparavant~
DeleteAlors je ne suis pas du tout originaire de Blois :P J'ai simplement pris le nom d'un personnage d'anime que j'apprécie beaucoup : Victorique de Blois (de l'anime Gosick), son côté lolita (ou plutôt victorien) et ses airs désabusés et grincheux m'ont beaucoup fait rire (^-^) (Donc par réellement de rapport non plus avec la famille aristocratique de Blois, j'espère d'ailleurs — au passage — qu'aucun d'entre eux n'a fait trop de choses horribles, je ne me suis jamais informée sur eux, ça serait malheureux d'avoir un pseudo mal-interprété xD)
Donc voila, réellement, c'était juste un choix esthétique et un petit clin d'oeil à l'anime Gosick :)
Je comprend mieux! Merci!
DeleteDésolée d'avoir été si curieuse, mais à te voire filer entre les mailles d'internet de temps à autres avec ce nom, alors qu'il n'y a pas de lolita a Blois, ça me perturbais!! :° Comme j'en suis originaire je me disais "que quoi que hein??!"
Boh, il y a le château Royal de Blois qui était une des résidences favorites des rois à la Renaissance, après les familles aristocratiques je n'en sais trop rien. (mais il faudrait que je regarde, tiens...)
Pas de soucis, je suis presque désolée de t'avoir fait une fausse joie de voir une autre loli à Blois !
DeleteYou all look so beautiful!! and you make me miss Paris so muchhh XD
ReplyDeleteThank you so much ♡ Maybe you will come back soon to France, it would be great !!